lundi 14 avril 2008

Web Review : 14/04/2008

Almost one month from my last web review. I was very busy building my house :-)

So, what are the coolest project I have found:

- MathGL : something nice. It allows to generate nice graph, in 2D, 3D. The most interesting feature (well, not the most, but an interesting feature, sure) is the MGL scripting language, which allow a shell script to generate a JPG/EPS/SVG/PNG/anyOtherFormat graphic. []

- GreenSQL : it may be very interesting for security. It is a MySQL application level gateway. It does for MySQL what a web filtering proxy do for HTTP. I took a look at the demo. If it work as presented, It is a very interesting project ! []

- Because security is only a protection, you have to make backups. And if possible, automatic backup. This project seems to do the right job, local or network (through ssh).. zbackup-mysql []

- On a previous post, I talk about insecurity of VoIP clear voice stream. Give someone Dtmf2num, and dial your bank count access code with your prefered VoIP phone. You may be surprised ;-) dtmf2num

- Two of my friends will be very interested by the following: SMART []. This is a tool to manager security policy and its associated workflow. It looks cute ... (as long as security is cute ...)

- For those who are developing cross application (by cross, I mean Linux/Window*), check that: I'm a cross .... You should enjoy this one !

That's all folks !!

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